Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions



means Iwona Marianska doing business as Curated Wardrobe.


means a person contacting Curated Wardrobe for the Service.


means every personal styling service hourly or package offered by the Stylist.



  1. Meeting is deemed booked once the initial non refundable deposit is paid. Quick consult is an exception.
  2. The non refundable deposit is 25% of the total amount due.
  3. Exempt from this rule is Quick consult service which is deemed booked once full amount is paid.


  1. The Client may reschedule the session up to 48 hours in advance.
  2. If the upcoming session is cancelled by the Client and it was already paid for, refund less the amount of the deposit will be issued to the Client. Exempt from this rule is the Style Mentoring Service once activated.
  3. If the upcoming session is cancelled by the Stylist and it was already paid for, full refund for this session will be issued to the Client.
  4. If the session is rescheduled by the Client more than 48 hours in advance the non refundable the deposit will be transferred to a different date if new session is scheduled within the next 6 months.
  5. All of the above does not apply to Quick Consult. Click here for termination and scheduling of the Quick Consult service.


  1. Once the invoice for initial deposit is sent the Client has 72 hours to pay in order to secure booking.
  2. Once the invoice requesting the remainder of the amount due is sent the Clients has 7 days to pay.
  3. If the requested booking is within the next 7 days the Client will be invoiced full amount of the service requested at once.
  4. If full payment is not received latest 48 hours prior to the scheduled session it is deemed cancelled by the Client.
  5. If more sessions agreed by this contract will be scheduled over a period of time the Stylist offers the following payment options:
    1. One invoice for the non refundable deposit amounting to 25% of the total amount for all sessions planned and one invoice for the remainder amount due;
    2. One invoice for the non refundable deposit amounting to 25% of the total amount for all sessions planned and separate invoices for the remainder amount due before every scheduled session;
    3. Separate invoices for the deposit and for the remainder amount due for every scheduled session.
    4. All of the above does not apply to Style Mentoring. Click here for payment terms of the Style Mentoring service.
    5. All of the above does not apply to Quick Consult. Click here for payment terms of the Quick Consult service.


  1. The Style Mentoring service is deemed activated once at least one session had taken place.

  2. The Stylist offers the following payment options:

    1. One invoice for the non refundable deposit amounting to 25% of the total amount for all sessions planned and one invoice for the remainder amount due;
    2. Payment in 4 installments of 550$ payable monthly. First invoice will be billed towards the non refundable deposit amounting to 25% of the total amount for all sessions planned.


  1.  Quick consult is an online only service.
  2. Quick consult is deemed booked once full amount is paid.
  3. If the upcoming session is cancelled by the Client or the Stylist full refund will be issued to the Client within the next 7 working days.
  4. If the upcoming session is rescheduled by the Client the fully paid amount will be transferred towards the new session.


  1. Cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full.
  2. As this is a complimentary service, no refunds will be issued.
  3. Offer is non-transferable to other services.


  1. For services fulfilled outwith the New York City area the Client agrees to cover the general expenses incurred and/or committed by the Stylist in performing the Services:

    1. Travel (including airfare, taxis, ride sharing services, trains plus all associated costs including parking);

    2. Accommodation.

  2. Major travel and accommodation costs to be pre-approved by the Client prior to booking.

  3. Payments are due upon receipt.


  1. The Stylist claims the copyright to all materials provided to the Client.

  2. Provided materials are solely for personal, non commercial use and any reproduction or unauthorized use shall constitute infringement.


  1. All services are provided on “As is”, and “As Available” basis without warranty of any kind.

Gift Voucher


  1. Cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full.
  2. Any clothing purchases are not included in Gift Voucher cost.
  3. Non-transferable. Can only be used by the person for whom the gift voucher was purchased.
  4.  No additional discounts can be applied.
  5. Valid in US Dollars only.


  1. Redeemable within 6 months from the purchase date. No extensions will be provided.
  2. Expiration date is indicated on the voucher.