What to expect


What to expect


Hourly Services

The initial meeting will be online and will take place before you sign up the contract. It will take up to 45 minutes and the purpose of it will be to go through the questions about your clothes, lifestyle and shopping habits and to determine how many hours of my services you’ll need. I will also ask you to send me some pictures to assess your silhouette and perform a color analysis.
I will send you the contract. Once you accept I will ask you for the 25% deposit to confirm the booking.
Price of every hourly session is 150$/hour. Depending on the service you choose the third step will vary.
We’ll go through your entire wardrobe and decide which clothes, accessories, and shoes to keep, what needs alterations or repair, what is your wardrobe lacking and what needs to go and how to get rid of it in a planet friendly way. Session’s length will depend on the size of your wardrobe.
I’ll help you create a number of outfits suited to your requirements. I will document them and after the service will send you a lookbook to keep handy for further use. Optionally I can help you create 3-5 emergency outfits for the occasion of your choice that can hang in your wardrobe for instant use in case you overslept in the morning, something pops up unexpectedly, your plans change etc.
We will choose the location for shopping based on your shopping preferences, where you live and available budget. One shopping session usually lasts 2-4 hours depending on the your needs . If you prefer to buy things online I can also prepare the virtual curation of clothes to buy for you.


A quick consult is a 30 minute online meeting via Zoom or Skype and I want you to feel free to ask me any fashion or style related question that you might have.
Price: 250$

Capsule Wardrobe

From the pieces in your existing closet we’ll create a mini wardrobe containing only interchangeable pieces. Depending on the purpose of the capsule wardrobe we’ll choose number of pieces to include. We’ll create a few examples of outfits. And I’ll make a lookbook of all possible outfits that can be created from the chosen pieces and will send it to you after our meeting. In order to create a lookbook I will need to photograph every piece included in the capsule wardrobe or I will need you to send me the pictures (if me meet online).
Price: 2000$ (OR IN 4 INSTALLMENTS OF 550$ )

Style Mentoring

This option includes a series of meetings that will take place over a period of time and requires you to spend a some time completing the style diary.
During this initial meeting we will discuss your needs, expectations and how you feel with the state your wardrobe at the moment. The meeting will last up to 1 hour.
I will ask you to document what you’re wearing for a month. This will help me better understand your style and your relationship to the clothing you own. To make it easier I will send you a template along with an example of the style diary.
During this meeting we will discuss your style diary, draw conclusions from this experience and then go through your clothing. Our purpose will be to find the connection between the current state of your wardrobe and what we want to achieve at the end of the style mentoring process.
During this meeting I will present you with my observations and the conclusions from all of our previous meetings. I’ll create a moodboard that represents my understanding of your style. We will also discuss the direction to follow moving forward with your wardrobe. The meeting will last up to 2 hours.
The last step will be to go shopping and buy pieces missing in your wardrobe that suit your style. It will be your choice to either do it in person or online. The shopping session will last 2-4 hours.

You're not sure what services you need?

You may know what’s wrong with your closet or clothes but not necessarily how to fix it. And trust me I get it!
That’s why I created a quiz that only takes a couple of minutes to complete and at the end you’ll get a recommendation of the personal styling services that will work best in your case. Sounds good? Then don’t wait and take the quiz now!